Fatherlove - Keeping Fathers Connected

2001 Father of the Year Essay Contest
School: St. Mark Catholic School
Teacher: Mrs. Paulino Storino
City: Shoreline

My dad isn’t really my real dad. He’s my brother. He became my dad because my real dad left my mom and me. He left when I was one month old. Last year my mom died, so I went to live with my brother and his family. Soon he started to act like I was his own child.

My dad makes me feel like the best person in his life. My dad makes me feel special when he takes only me somewhere like the park. My dad makes me feel loved when he holds me tight when I am sad.

I wouldn’t trade my dad for a million bucks. I would do anything for my dad. My dad is he best dad in the world to me.

I remember one time we were walking down a steep hill and my dad was in front of me, and he told me, "If you feel yourself falling, just go into me." I said "Why?" And he said "Because I would rather be hurt, than have you be hurt." I wish he could be here with me when I wake up in the morning. He is at work.

My dad does not only do fun things but also makes sure there is a roof over my head. I have food to eat three times a day and clothing on my body. I love my dad even though he is my brother.