Fatherlove - Keeping Fathers Connected

2001 Father of the Year Essay Contest
School: Federal Way High School
Teacher: Mrs. Jan Eldridge
City: Federal Way

My father, first of all, is the most respectable and faithful human being I have ever met and that is how I will always remember him. But being given the title of "my father," he has been blessed with many other overwhelming, admirable characteristics.

He is an adventurer and one of the most courageous too. He left his whole life behind, including his mother and father to give me better opportunities and broader experiences. Thanks to him I have traveled from Korea to New Zealand, and then to America and within each of these countries to wherever my father found beauty and life for me to sense and believe – to show me what the world was all about.

However, the best characteristic my father has is his ability of being the most open person I have come to know. Whenever I am in a "situation," he has a way of always listening to what I have to say, then saying what he has to say, then coalescing what we have both said to find a solution for my "situation." He never does disregard anyone’s perspectives or beliefs while holding firmly onto his. This is one of the reasons I am extremely proud to call him "my father."

All these things are what my father means to me: a honest and faithful human being, a courageous adventurer, an open minded adult, the most loving guardian and not to mention, Mariner’s number one fan!